Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cleaning windows tips to make this chore fast and efficient!

First, choose a time of day when the sun is not shining directly onto the windows. Then gently brush away any debris, such as cobwebs and loose dirt with a soft bristled brush, don't forget the hinges and sills. Then you can mix a solution using 1 part white vinegar and 1 part hot water. Using the water an vinegar solution and a sponge wipe down the window. Be careful not to touch the window frames though. Wet a squeegee, a dry blade will skip. Starting in the upper corner, draw the squeegee in a single downward stroke. Repeat process until window is complete. When done pull the squeegee across the bottom of the window and then dry with cloth. When using indoors, place a  towel along the windowsill to catch drips.


  1. Hello! I clean houses for extra money and I do windows too! Cleaning windows is usually extra to cleaning the house; a project all unto itself! I especially "love" those really old windows with removable storms/screens you have to take apart to clean. Then there are those old double-hungs with all of the individual panes of glass! Uff Duh! What a pain,eh? Even better are windows that haven't been cleaned in the last decade! Then the owner wonders why it is taking you so long!

  2. How do you do your advertising for cleaning houses? I was thinking about putting an ad in the paper, putting up fliers and/or some of this ads that have the name and # that you can just tear off and take one. You know what I'm taking about? I really do want to start this if I can make a living out of it!

  3. Nice Blog. This is a site I can probably use. I'm a guy and everyone knows that guys aren't real good at cleaning stuff unless it's one of our toys. Will check in again.

  4. i'm working as a cleaner now and it's never done fast enough. so thanks for your tips, i'll put them to good use right away!

  5. Thanks for the great tips. We clean our windows every spring, it is so time consuming- no fun. I'll have to try your suggestions this year.

  6. Gosh - my windows NEED some attention - SUPER tips! Also great panel of cleaning video resources! Way to go Hilary!

  7. I really thought the window washing one was a good idea, glad you guys thought so too!
