Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cleaning windows tips to make this chore fast and efficient!

First, choose a time of day when the sun is not shining directly onto the windows. Then gently brush away any debris, such as cobwebs and loose dirt with a soft bristled brush, don't forget the hinges and sills. Then you can mix a solution using 1 part white vinegar and 1 part hot water. Using the water an vinegar solution and a sponge wipe down the window. Be careful not to touch the window frames though. Wet a squeegee, a dry blade will skip. Starting in the upper corner, draw the squeegee in a single downward stroke. Repeat process until window is complete. When done pull the squeegee across the bottom of the window and then dry with cloth. When using indoors, place a  towel along the windowsill to catch drips.